
Anne Kutzner

b. 1985, Germany, 



Anne Kutzner is a native Berlin artist whose work spans over a wide array of media such as painting, installation, video and live art. Kutzner received her diploma in painting from Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee in 2012 and more recently earned her status as Meisterschülerin in the same medium, under guidance by Werner Liebmann, summer of 2015.


Kutzners work, across media, escapes any unifying interpretations and can perhaps best be described as nebulous. Let it conjure the image of the “Horsehead nebula” situated on the sword of Orion, in the homonymous star constellation. Here, the only aspect more severe than the silhouetted archetype, the tragic narrative of labor and heroism; the decapitated horse head itself, is the physical reality of this perceived form: dark dust, impenetrable to any ray of light, utter blackness. Although there is great attention and reference to the histories of art and cinema, it is in this field of absolute darkness that Kutzner’s emphasis lies; where our projections of themes like death and desire are absorbed, and where they evanesce. In this obscure focal point between luminous gases, crystalline particles, ecstatic color spectrums, lies the catastrophic site of disappearance where Anne Kutzner’s work begins.


It is with a certain brutality and disillusion with the world that Kutzner makes her marks, be it with thick, fluorescent oil on a canvas or while wrecking, distorting analogue or digital video signals, impaling lemons on her thin, red heels. The personal and corporeal are always aspects of her work. In a time of simulated intimacy and loss of touch, this is a transmission from one burning body to another.


Snorre Sjønøst Henriksen